| 10:00am - 12:00pm
Join artist/instructor Mark Downing and explore the world of Digital Art. Digital art is any artwork that draws upon digital technology as an essential part of its creative process. In this workshop you will learn how to use software to create your very own original works of art. You will grasp how digital brushes work; how to use a variety of techniques to paint different layers of your art; how to use digital effects to manipulate your paintings; how to use reference photos in the digital world, and how to convert photos into artistic impressions. Each class will start with a reference photo and students will use 3 to 10 brushes and other effects to paint new/original artwork. Each class will use unique brushes so you have an opportunity to learn many of the brushes through the series of classes. Software installation classes will be scheduled as needed to assist in installation on your own computer. Please contact Mark Downing with any questions at mdowning@comcast.net
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