Thursday Evening Speaker Series
The Alter, The Dam and Modernity: Ethiopia, Egypt and Entangled Hostories
Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm
Getnet Bekele - Professor - Oakland University
International peace and security imaginaries such as “water wars” dominate the current discussion on Ethiopian and Egyptian relations in the face of growing global energy demands and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The main bone of contention this time around has been the building in the Ethiopian side of the border of a major dam on the Blue Nile since April 2011. This talk seeks to explicate on this topic briefly and use it as a window to reflect back on the checkered history of Ethiopian and Egyptian relations in the course of the modern period.
Turmoil in the Middle East: The Fall of the Axis of Resistence
Thursday, April 3, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm
Gus Mondalek - International Affairs Expert
The Middle East is experiencing rapid changes, including the defeat of Hamas and near defeat of Hezbollah, the fall of the Syrian regime, and ongoing issues in Iran, Turkey, Yemen, and Pakistan. What is next in the Middle East, and what impact do these changes have on the prospect of peace, the resurgence of ISIS, and the security of the region?
The Life and Thought of H. Odera Oruka. Pursuing Justice in Africa
Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm
Gail Presbey, Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Philosophy Department, University of Detroit Mercy
Henry Odera Oruka was one of the most influential figures in 20th-century African philosophy. During the early years of the decolonization of African countries, as universities worked to redefine themselves, Odera drove changes to curricula and research. A tireless advocate for democracy and human rights in Africa, he repeatedly intervened in the political debates of his time. The narrative unfolds from the personal to the global, from Africa to the world and from African philosophy to the wider field of philosophy.
Bottled Messages
Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm
Ric Mixter - UnderwaterExpert, Shipwreck Researcher and Author
Bottled messages have been discovered on shore for centuries. The notes inside bring tidings from ocean voyagers, invitations for pen-pals, tragic attempts for rescue and floating farewells from long-lost souls. Based on Ric Mixter’s book, Bottled Goodbyes chronicles the most famous messages ever recovered, including several after the Great Lakes Storm of 1913 and three bottles found after the Titanic disaster.
The History of the 45th Division in World War II
Thursday, April 24, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm
Frank Cardimen, Professor - Oakland University
The 45th Division was involved in Africa, Sicily, Italy, France and Germany ending up in Dachau at Germany’s first prison camp. The presentation will be with the 180th Regiment where
Professor Cardimen’s uncle fought. The battles and the experiences seen through the eyes of one soldier during three years of heavy fighting will remind us of the sacrifices our soldiers made in World War II. The 180th was under Patton in Sicily – US 7th Army and ended up with Patton who commanded the United States 3rd Army. -
Healing Through Creating Via The Power of Storytelling
Thursday, May 1, 2025 | 6:00-7:30pm
Lawrence Castleberry - President - Detroit Black Storytellers
Using personal experience to create your own stories for self-healing while simultaneously using this as a tool to both help and teach others. So often as tellers, we research the stories of others that resonate with us that we may share. But each of use have stories to tell. We can use personal experiences to craft stories (they can be fictional based on fact) that allow us to combat our own internal battles. But as we grow by developing the story we now have a tool that when told can help others who may be going through similar experiences or equipping someone who may experience something similar later in life.